Wednesday, 16 November 2011

What to do next...

This is essentially a detailed list for my plans for the next 2 or 3 weeks...
  • Research more on Le Corbusier i.e. the man himself and his aims. I know a small general amount about him, but I have not currently got enough in depth research. Today I picked up a library book about him entitled “Le Corbusier: Ideas and Forms” by William J R Curtis. I plan to look through this and pick out the relevant parts to do with his Machine d'habiter idea and also mass production and modernism in general which will include his main views. All of this will be blogged about soon and used as a base from which to explore other ideas.
  • I am currently reading “Nature in Design” by Alan Powers (architectural writer) and am finding fantastic similarities with “The Code” (the TV series presented by mathematician Prof. Marcus du Sautoy). Both about nature and the patterns within which we are subconsciously tuned into due to an innate human obsession with pattern and order. This then influences design in every form.
  • In “The Code” du Sautoy explores the Grecian notion of platonic shapes. Five equilateral forms that make up the entirety of nature. I will have a go at making them and photograph them as a perspective exercise and to get to grips with natural complexities.
  • Another idea is a nature time lapse vs. a machine time lapse. These would be short film sequences that could be played side by side to reflect the difference between nature and machine. How would people react within a natural environment vs. a mechanical one i.e. is nature smoother and machine more jittery? (See “The Code” Episode 3: Predictions)
  • Exploration of fractals and mathematical natural occurrences. What is a fractal? How do people react to it? Are they relevant in design? Explore human obsession with pattern – perhaps this means fractals could be relevant?
  • Use photography as a means to exploring building structures and form and document them.
  • Explore the idea of chaos theory and the butterfly effect... a mathematical phenomenon. I want to include a mathematical element in whatever my final project becomes. Although it will almost certainly be there as an invisible component of the piece, the opportunity to bring it into the spotlight through a piece of art, to me, is a juxtaposition of thinking. We always divide sciences and arts whereas I want to being them together as they are interlinked a lot more than people seem to realise.
  • A final thought (for the moment) is the potential for a link between the way Leonardo da Vinci thought (i.e. an underlying code to us all) and Le Corbusier's ideas? There is certainly a link between da Vinci and nature but I want to see if I can link him and Corbusier. This takes me full circle back to the research for Le Corbusier. This is my starting point.

    (I will also, wherever possible, endeavour to use my own photos for examples which I will point out in captions)

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